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2024 Wrapped: 28 Wins Across 17 States

In 2024, the numbers said it all. We’re proud to have helped elect 2 U.S. Senators, 18 Members of Congress, 6 State Legislators and a new County Sheriff. Together, we delivered 28 wins across 17 states for the leaders who will shape the future of our country.

We congratulate each of them and their teams on their impressive victories.

Some of our biggest victories this cycle include:

  • Flipping AK-AL, defeating one of the strongest Democrat incumbents anywhere in the country and electing Nick Begich to Congress.
  • Flipping PA-08, defeating one of the last “White Whales” in Congress with the NRCC IE to help elect Rob Bresnahan.
  • Defeating Bob Good (VA-05) and electing Navy SEAL Sniper John McGuire to Congress, the only primary challenger to beat an incumbent this cycle.
  • Electing freshmen U.S. Representatives Nick Begich (AK-AL), John McGuire (VA-05) Julie Fedorchak (ND-AL), Derek Schmidt (KS-02) and Michael Rulli (OH-06).
  • Helping elect a clean sweep of targeted races in the Arizona State Legislature and defeating NH Senate Minority Leader Donna Soucy with the RSLC IE.
  • Re-electing Jen Kiggans (VA-02) and Monica De La Cruz (TX-15).
  • Expanding our new strategic communications vertical to help re-elect Congressman Ken Calvert (CA-41) in one of the most expensive House races of the cycle.

Check out some of our favorite ads from this election cycle:

Jen Kiggans – Lemonade

Nick Begich – Attack

John McGuire – Sniper

Monica De La Cruz – Fighter

Derek Schmidt – Truck
